Spring Break

Non sequitur: Oliver asked me the other day on the way to school if I lived in a two-story house when I was kid and whether, as a kid, I wanted to live in a two-story house. I told him I don't remember. Lola and Oliver's desire to live in a two-story house borders on obsession these days so I am making a record of that here so decades from now when they are asked if they ever wanted to live in a two story house, they can look back and answer with certainty. It's funny what these kids think about.

Non sequitur no. 2: Lola thinks she might be getting more interested in dinosaurs. However, she's not interested in the field work part. She doesn't want to dig the bones up, she wants to study them in a lab. This is progress. I'm afraid she is a bit like me (or what I imagine I was like) in that she doesn't have pronounced interests, even fleeting ones. Oliver, on the hand, gets into things. Whereas not long ago he was aiming to be a paleontologist and figuring out what that meant and what the path was from here to there, now he is leaning more towards marine biology. He wants to know what university might be the best place to accomplish such a thing.

But enough of this jolly banter. Today's purpose was just to post a few pictures from day #1 of spring break. We took a drive up to Auburn where I like to trail run for a short hike. With all of the recent rain, the trails are lush and the streams and waterfalls are running.

When you are a trail runner or a kid, you don't avoid the mud and water, you travel right through them: