Where We Are At

My annual pledge to write more! Let's see if this one lasts longer than the pledge itself. (In my defense I have been writing, just not in this particular forum.)

Lola and Oliver are firmly in their teenage years. That does trip me out a bit. We haven't exactly begun serious discussion of college or what comes after high school, but there have been some conversations around the edges with Lola.

We are all mostly glad that the kids are back to in person learning. Remote instruction, while 100% the right thing to do, was not easy on the kids nor much of a learning environment. The both missed out on their first year at a new school (Lola high school and Oliver middle school). It's not immediately clear what intellectual or social development they missed out on right now. I think, and this is just me speculating based on what I think I know, the part that is still really hard and continues to haunt all of us is the fact that this pandemic is not over. In fact, it seems to be heading in the wrong direction again...is this the fourth or fifth wave? I can't keep track. And so who can really put their mind at ease these days? They both know this is not over and the uncertainty of really big questions makes it hard to focus on a future.

Lola's sleep patter got all of out whack during the shelter in place/remote learning. Her electronic devices are helping keep her connected to Friedan and family and the outside world. But, we also know how unhealthy those same devices can be for people her age (and gender). Oliver, on the surface seems to be getting by with a little more balance or ease than his sister. But Oliver has always been much more social so the difficulties with being social, even now are probably having more of an influence on his development than any of us know.

We are all stuck in a bit of a rut I suppose. The winter break is always a nice time to relax and enjoy the holiday season and lights and festivities but this year it is different. It is very mellow, which is nice. But it is hard to be merry. But it is also true that we feel somewhat fortunate. I have my job, we are all healthy, and we still all like each other most days.