Ah, How Time Doth Fly

Writing is my nemesis. But I shan't let it defeat me. If there is one thing I've learned in life (or at least one thing I believe that keeps me from not giving up entirely) is that it's never too late. A failure or falling apart or, say, going months and months between family updates, doesn't mean one should not try again. So that is what I shall.It's only a coincidence that it is also the start of a new school year for Lola and Oliver so I have a readymade topic to share.Oliver started 3rd grade.img_5520Tell me he doesn't look like Angus from AC/DC. (When he has his hair back in a headband he looks like Gareth Bale circa 2015.) The kid is equal parts totes adorbs and monster.Lola started 5th grade.img_7372The girl is almost pure sass. That'll probably not surprise you.Perhaps the most exciting thing that happened this summer is both kids learned how to ride a bike, finally. Lola picked it up pretty quickly and is now getting fancy. Oliver, however, is such a clod. He's magic on the soccer field but, on a bike, Oliver judges the success of his riding based on how many things he crashes into.

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