Firsts: A Last
For Lola, it was our "first" last day of summer. Admittedly, that designation is a little squishy. In past years, Lola (and Ollie) have begun new transitions in early September; and it's not like she hasn't been in "school" (i.e., the 4th R summer program) all summer. But there is something a little different about this day. On Tuesday she starts first grade and that's a big deal around here!So Lola, Ollie, and I decided one last day of summer fun was appropriate. If they (and by "they" I mostly mean Ollie) weren't so danged naughty, it would have been a perfectly delightful day of train rides, walking along the river, and lunch. But it still was kinda fun. Who knows what next week will bring, but we are one summer closer to sending them off the college!
You can see two more pictures here and here.